Raúl Fraile bio photo

Raúl Fraile

PHP/Symfony2 developer. Engineer at Acilia. Open-source lover && eternal learner.

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About me

Hello! My name is Raul Fraile and I live in Alicante – Spain.

I am a passionate developer, currently focused on PHP and Symfony2. Also interested in performance and all the foundations of computer science, like data structures, algorithms, information theory and data compression.

I work as a Senior Software Engineer at Acilia.


I graduated with honors in Computer Science, back in 2007. Then I got a University Expert Degree in Health informatics and now I am studying a Master’s degree in Computer Technologies. I am also a PHP 5.3 Zend Certified Engineer and SensioLabs Certified Symfony Developer (Expert level).

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You can reach me via twitter @raulfraile or by sending an email to raulfraile@gmail.com.